Monday, January 31, 2011

To sum it all

I was home in no time.

The date is 7th January. I left job today. Till yesterday everything seem so normal, until today when I reached office. I have this deep wrenching feeling inside me about leaving the place. I came to this office 4 months back, but my association with the organization goes three and a half years back. I have made several relations here. I have met hundreds of people here. I did whatever I had to, sometimes, whatever being told to. Still remember the first day, as like yesterday, afresh. And after that the journey started.

With an awesome ITP batch (NCS 26) of crazy people we started our journey inside the company. Everyday was fun to be with them. Introduction to CS was divine. The thrill of exams and then the anxiety of the results were equally awesome. And if you are to describe each incident as vividly as it rests in my memory, it would bring a 5 point someone to shame. The technical training was so much fun until we started with our Behavioral and voice & accent training. These exceeded every single previous set parameters of fun and masti. The unimaginable fun at office was just started. And we did take it a long way to do every thing possible inside office. Our masti ki pathshala was shaping up everyday. We drew closer to each other. Everybody was enjoying and we never realized how soon it was over.

And then they gave us something like project based technical training ( the use of dreadful words start here). Our batch was divided into two and separately trained on two different technologies. This training was more of a kick to come back to the real world after all that fun of ITP. This was a boring session and we ended it soon to go to the waiting room for few days to follow for our allocation to different projects.

And soon enough almost all of us got allocated to a department. And subsequently and precisely five of us (including me ) got the piece of cake. The most crucial and critical and hyped and what-not project. The aura of the project itself was more terrifying than the project itself. Somehow we started learning our way through. I got lucky enough to get good mentors (SP and NS). They taught me well. And I got my first desk, a proper one. yay! And my neighbors were awesome too. I got an ITP batch-friend at one baju and a then to-be-my-guide on other baju. This went for like a year with all the countless number of incidents where you would die laughing on the floor. The tense project moments. The ifs and buts, and oops. But we kept sailing and then one day they decided to trade-off the project with another one. Our whole project group was fallen apart. Some resigned, some switched to other project/location/wherever.

And yours truly moved ahead for greater good. Into a testing project with the mindset of completing the bond period and do an (:P) MBA. This project and one after this one isn't much worthy of writing here, except for the wonderful people who I met. And finally I moved to NOIDA.

Life changed. Lifestyle's changed. I was me again. A new start. No one knows me here. And I have a very good way to go about such situations where I am about to enter a new social circle. The advantage is I can project myself as I want to in a better way. Overcoming previous flaws. I just love it. Got few people to talk to inside office, but after that I was bored. I took up blogging and then bored. Facebook and then bored. Everything and then bored again. The project was also sucking big time.

In the midst of all these, Corbett's trip came like fresh air. I had my time. Hardly knew couple of guys before going to the trip and end up knowing everybody. Feels good. And finally soon after the trip I decided to resign. I did. And then I realized I have made few good friends here. And so far so good. I keep bettering every moment. I am more relieved now.

The project people were good so much so that they even gave me a farewell. And a TT bat-ball as a parting gift. I was overwhelmed. the emotions got good of me. I almost choked while saying a few words as asked. :P And few close friends become closer. I realized soon enough that I am losing my identity. I am becoming like them. But, I am gaining worth. I know now, its people who can make you feel special or ordinary. You can never. I took off from office and in no time I was home through the same route which took me almost 80 minutes on any normal day.

This was end of my first company's story. Now I look back and smile. I did just. No regrets.

Monday, January 17, 2011

Who Am I?

The quest to find oneself is a never ending one, I guess. Almost 99 percent  of people ont he planet everyday thinks of the same question. Who am I? And then they try to answer this question with their profound logics and beliefs. " I am what I am", "I am cool, I a hot. I am everything you are not." and what-not. Yours truly also sometime thinks of this question and comes out with a different answer every time (kinda improvising). Earlier I was with the no stereotype attitude. Then I picked up the unique/different tag. This time when this question hit me I sat down to some serious thinking. The analysis took the bottom-up/ top-down/ lateral/ any other/etc. approach to get to the base of this question. And then I started seeing myself with everybody else's eyes. Bingo!

I am a different person now. Every changing second. Let me give you an example. People generally end up saying that I am very comfortable with him/her. I can be me with them. And I think, what are you at times when you are not you? Someone else? I don't know. I cannot think of anyone else whose role I might be playing when I am not me. I ought to be me. But not as I know me, as you know me. Getting the point?

It's people or the surrounding what makes you different everytime. When we are with comfortable with people/situations of our choice we say we are being ourselves. But as they turn adverse we deny to own our character.

I think I am what you think I am.

When you thought I am a friend, I was.
When you thought I am happy, I became.
When you said I am no good, I worsen.
When you said I am the best, I was better.

I was quite when you wanted me to.
I was there when you needed a support.
I left when you thought I would.
I came back just when you thought I should.

All I am saying is whatever you were expecting from me consciously/sub-consciously I was turning in to one. If you think this is not the case with anyone else. It's time for a reality check. No matter what you do, people will always think what they want to think. But, its only the half way through. Coz

You will only know what I wanted to show.

Will explore that aspect in the next blog.. :P

Saturday, January 8, 2011

That's how I did it!!

My first last-day-email of my first and last company JJJJJJJJJJ


from  Vivek Rungta   
to  TechM BBNMS LS
cc  ""
date  Fri, Jan 7, 2011 at 7:55 PM
subject  Another one.....

……bites the dust!!!!

Today I settle my accounts with Tech M for the one last time. Here I am sending a last mail(customary) summing up my last 3.5 years ( with all mixed feelings).

This place has given me a lot more than what it has taken from me ( I am serious). I will always cherish the transformation it brought in me. Thanks to the wonderful people I met here.
You did make a difference in my life ( even if it’s small, it counts :P). You backed me up sometimes. And let me down too. We together had pulled out impossible things in stringent timelines. And we did nothing for days, sometimes :P (jk). I have seen people doing things I would never imagine ( in good and sometimes even in bad sense), but that’s how we do things here, isn’t it?
I just don’t want this mail to be a medium to vent out my emotions, but then I won’t get another chance. I here take my chance to be candid. (righteous!)

I started with an awesome batch as my ITP mates. I still remember each day afresh. Everything we did was a celebration. I got introduced to CS, we had parties, we had classroom fun. Thanks to the trainers. Everyday inside this company was a learning experience. Few were too harsh. Sometimes efforts go unrecognized and would hurt like hell. But, sometimes small words of appreciation from your side made my entire day (even weeks….:D).

I believe that it is hard to live without a social life. I used to say- I am not here to make friends. I thought good people cannot do bad things to you. I thought your hard work would always pay, no matter what. Thanks for proving me wrong guys. I still got my self-respect intact after these many years inside an IT organization only because of the guys I met here. ( As they said people in IT are unethical, sometimes.. lolz)

The only thing I was worried about when I started this journey was I should not regret it on a day like today. Have I made it large? is the question I ask myself everyday.
I might have hurt you, been rude/non-cooperative/immune towards your expectations and what-not’s. But everything inside the office is purely business and nothing’s personal. I had my part of learning with equal fun. Today I walk out with no grudges to hold but only memories to cherish.

Always stand for what you believe in life, even it means standing alone. Believe me it will get you a good night’s sleep.
And be sincere in your life, not serious ( you won’t get out alive, anyways)

I hope the change bring all the good things in our lives.

You can always get back to me (I would really love that) at:
Description: Description: See full size imageDescription: Description: Description:
My personal email id :

I would really love to work with you (well, some for sure) in future. May our paths cross soon.

Adios till we meet again….


Vivek Rungta
For my contempt of authority, Fate has made me an authority itself!!

p.s. : Assuming that you are immune to the little irrelevance in the context of this mail to you, you would do selective reading.
p.p.s. : You might be flattered or offended by the content of this mail, but I cannot be more unbiased.
p.p.p.s. : The reason I have not mentioned your name explicitly in this mail because you will understand. This mail has reached you after all, isn’t it? You mean a lot to me.
p.p.p.p.s. :  I hope you had a great first week of the new year 2011. For the rest of the days here is me wishing you a Happy and healthy and wealthy new year 2011. May you get all you have ever deserved.
p.p.p.p.p.s. : If you are wondering why have you received this mail from me, for the simple reason that you might be a part of my group/project/friends or you might have sent me your Last day mail or may be  because I want you to read this email.

Thanks to ??? (a.k.a. - friend) for everything.. J